Buenos dias!
Well, its 9 days more or less until mi amor comes back from Tenerife. It will be great... it's very strange what missing someone does to you. At first it was so crazy hard all the time.... it didn't matter what I did... I still couldn't stop thinking about, and missing carla like crazy. And this feeling, of being away from a person, a very guapa person, held on for about a month. (She left in July and will come back the 21st of August, three days after my birthday... but this amazing and wonderful guapita sent me a regalito which came today!!!) well, after about a month, just a couple of days I go I realized this feeling of missing was a bit different from before... but I know that this is normal... but it really sucked to realize that the feeling of missing sort of became a part of me. It attached itself to my mind and the distance to my love felt even further away!! It might sound a bit bad, that I don't miss her as much, but I do!!!! ... but in a different way!!!
Anyway, missing is a big part of a normal day in Nico De Las Nieves vida.
"Vida" means "Life" in English and in Swedish the word is "Liv", just so you know, all of you.
I’ve been back at my parents house for about a week keeping the dog Hamlet alive while they have been on a well earned vacation in southern Sweden. It was an ok week... but the strangest of things is that I don't feel like home at my parents place anymore....after just living about ONE year on my own! This is a bit depressing, or maybe not, I don't feel that bad about it, but maybe I should???
Well, me and Hamlet went on walks, he was doing what a good does on a good walk! And then he half-bit me, (It's still hurting) after one of our late-night walks... guess it was a bit too much of me being there and my parents being away, he didn't feel as secure as he usually does... but he got a good beating (no direct hitting, just having him on his back and pounding him against the floor holding his chest skin, he can't ever bite a human!!! So you have to show him both what's right and who is the master, you don't fuck with the master!!!)
We had a couple of days he wouldn't "talk" to me... but we went on our walks and we are ok now, me and Hamlet. He's a good dog but very emotional. He gets sad, happy, afraid and angry like all of us!
Anyway, tonight is my first night back at "mi cuarto" (min kvart, in Swedish) and it feels good...even tough I move out with in 20 days...or 19, who cares, math sucks!!
I've been watching the Olympic Games since it began and it sucks, well, not the Olympic Games but the Swedish broadcasting of it!! Fuck you SVT (Sveriges Television). They only broadcast sports where Sweden is/have been/or going to perform!! Wich sucks!!! And for all of you not living in Sweden this means that so far SVT1 has shown this:
Balon Mano (Handball)
Football Men/Woman
Swimming (most of the time it's this on the tele)
Boxing (witch was ok until all the Swedes got beaten and went out!!!)
Beach Volleyball (it's broadcasted 03,00 in the morning, when no one is up but me!!!)
then it's just short looks on the gymnastics and tennis....maybe there's something I forgot now, but who cares? SVT1 sucks!!
But though I have to say I'm very impressed over their streaming on their Internet page...the best I've ever seen, plus they have one "channel" that is not shown on TV there. (The Swedish gouvernment owns SVT1, SVT2, TV4, Barnkanalen and SVT24, please correct me if im wrong!!!!) The Olympic Games are just shown in SVT1 and SVT 24... and an additional channel on the internet called Peking+ (Beijing+ in English).... well, I have a lot to say about this...
And the Olympic Games in China, politically and the shit Swedes that are competing...
I'm hoping, that of my luck of meeting the most amazing girl in the world will pay off.... not just in being happy everyday I wake up next to her but also to be able to win some fucking gold’s in the Olympic Games in London in 4 years!!!
Because.... Sweden is a nice place...about 40 days a year...and we once was one of the greatest nations in the world!! We have a lot of history, a lot of barbaric beautiful history, the Vikings. And also when we ruled over both Finland and Norway and a great lot more!! So don't fuck with Sweden (hmmm, well, we don't have much anymore, do we???)
So what do we have????? Here in "Du gamla, du fria" (You old, you free). Well.... hmmm...not much, maybe this guy with a Finish name will win something in the single scull.
And although Sweden what do we have to offer the world? Hmmm... naked, blonde woman? Naaaaa... they don't exist as much as they should.
Sweden is going DOWN!! The last thing we have to give the world is made by two musician from ABBA... who rote all of ABBAS songs and will make a big impact and are already making it on the world with the movie Mama Mia!
It will take a lot of years until we make a big impression on the world again...so.... Enjoy Mama Mia! you all! I hate Abba so.... I guess I don't have a lot to be happy about being a Swede! But for being me, I'm happier then ever!!!
And maybe we will win the World Cup in HOCKEY!!!! or ice-fuckin!
Keep it up Spain!! I’m giving you 90% of my love!!!!
Anyway... Vamos Nadal and Tommy!!! Y Vamos Marco y Pau Gasol!!!!
Good night!!!